Our Mission
Providing hope, education, information, inspiration, advocacy, and training to children living in poverty with few if any resources born with or who have acquired a disability, their parents, and caregivers!!!
Disabled In Action, Incorporated does not discriminate against anyone
Disabled In Action Inc.-Atlanta has one of the most powerful leaders for the disability movement, Rev. Calvin Peterson. In spite of being born with a severe condition of Cerebral Palsy, acquiring speech damage after having brain surgery at an early age, and being confined to a wheelchair, the first one given him by God Father of Soul James Brown, Rev. Peterson is a mover and shaker when action is needed.
DIA has been advocating for all individuals with disabilities including caregivers and family members locally and nationally in low income communities since the 1970s. We originally were under the name Advance Association for the Physically Handicapped, Inc. (AAPH). In 1986, we adopted a new name Disabled In Action, Inc. (DIA) to promote a broader impact throughout the United States of America.

Rev. Calvin Peterson’s life was and is filled with challenges. He was the first African American male born with a severe disability, confined to a wheelchair to graduate from high school. His classes were not accessible since many were on the third and fourth floors. Later, Calvin persuaded the State of Georgia to send him to New York where he graduated from Long Island University. The overwhelming challenges he faced to complete his education and other challenges in his life are documented in his autobiography “Nothing Is Impossible”.
Rev. Calvin Peterson was inspired by many people in his life. His grandfather’s commitment to him was one of the reasons Calvin has a burning desire to inspire other disabled, impoverished youth to stay in school. He also wants them to attain employment greater than employment limited to sources such as the Good Will Industry. It saddens Rev. Peterson to know that 30 percent or more of the students drop out of school before they reach 12th grade. Overall, only a third of Georgia’s students finished high school in 2011. Having graduated from all levels of education, Rev. Peterson feels his life and experiences can help change the perspectives and mindsets of disabled and all students, their parents, and caregivers. This can give them additional tools to plan for their future in education and acquiring legal income.
Disabled In Action, Incorporated has the same thoughts and actions as Rev. Peterson about changing the mindset of all communities regarding education of and for the disabled child born with disability and those who acquire disability. A renewed thought process in the hearts, minds, and spirits of our young people is necessary for them to set and reach goals, and to help teachers fulfill the current federal mandate to build self-esteem and complete education of the disabled. Disabled youth also need their parents and caregivers to have a renewed mindset.
Rev. Calvin Peterson is available for speaking engagements and workshops.
Our Founder
Our Board of Directors
Rev. Calvin Peterson CEO - Founder
Ms. S Sàwyer - Administrative Assistant
Ms. Kimberly Purefoy - Executive Assistance
Rev. Dr. Pauline Livett - Executive Assistance
Kenneth & Sandra Browner - Coordinating Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. Craig & Yolanda Oglesby - Parents
Minister Kalep A. Harris - Youth Director
Mr. Barron Stewart & Ms. Tangi’ Forman - Parents of Morgan
Morgan Stewart: Youth Representative

Programs & Support
Our organization continues to work to eradicate exclusion by building the understanding and implementation of inclusion in the lives of the disabled living in poverty. DIA urges and invites all people to be supporters and work in these powerful endeavors:
-Self-Esteem Mentorship Program
o Mentors being recruited
o Mentees being recruited
-Voice of the Voiceless Blog Radio
-Gertrude Peterson Caregiver Stress Relief Fund
-Campaign Towards Inclusion
o Caregiver Day
o Annual Day of Inclusion
-Speaking Engagements
o DIA Book Donations to Public School Teachers, Parents, and Caregivers
o Parent Support Group